Friday spotlight

Every Friday I spotlight a blog with something that touches me or inspires me.

Today I am putting the spotlight on “Robs” over at Death By Lettuce

She battled thyroid cancer for almost 5 years, begining when she was young. At just 21 she was diagnosed. Over the course of her 5 year fight she had many side effect related surgeries like one for a collapsed/dry tear duct, and one to repair a damaged vocal chord (seems odd to some but for some thyca’s they are hard side effects of treatment)

She just couldn’t catch a break and had to accept the fact that for her this disease is chronic and not a just a cancer with a quick fix.

I hit her blog today and read the news. Just 5 days shy of what she, (and many others) refer to as, her 5th cancerversary…

SHE’S A SURVIVOR!!!!!! Congratulations girl! You did it! Read her words as she announces it on her blog.

Go share the love and congratulate her on her life changing news!

Blog Spotlight – The Adventures of Baldylocks

Today my Spotlight is on Baldylocks

For those who many not know who she is (I didn’t until a few weeks ago-she inspired me to make my blog public), BaldyLocks is a cancer survivor, and a fellow Canadian at that! No, her battle was not with Thyroid Cancer. Her battle is with AML- a form of leukemia, (but we won’t hold that against her!). While our types of cancers are different many of us feel the same fears, and have the same struggles and stresses in our lives. I saw her on “The Stupid Cancer Show” and much of what she says echos how I feel, proving that all cancer patients have comonalities regardless of the diagnosis. Like her I now feel I have the right to say F*ck when it suits me. I have read many of her posts and she is very “real” and very open with her feelings about her life, career, and parenting and the impact cancer has had on all three. Simply put this chick rocks.

When you are done checking out her video, you should give her some bloggy lovin’ over at : The Adventures of Baldylocks

Baldylocks is now added to my Blog Roll